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ProjectSounds of Marnay- Artist Residency Blog
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Ana Lucia comments: Inspiration is not lacking! Congratulations on the job!

Reply:  Absolutely Ana! Thanks!

Marta comments: Good, my son, that you are well and happy. May God bless and protect you. Kisses Mom.

Duntalmo comments: My son. I was delighted with the images of France, a country that I learned to admire since I was a teenager. I saw the swans swimming, peacefully on the Seine River, making materialized in the film the evolved mentality of the European. Here we kill, there they protect. I myself have chased ducks to kill on the Curimataí River. I was very young, the culture at the time was different. Luckily I couldn't shoot them. In time our country will get there too. Mentality is changing very quickly, our fauna is recovering and it won't take long for us to see images like the ones here. I have this hope. Make the most of this wonderful country, make new friends and may God  enlighten you and inspire you in your compositions. You will find a lot of valuable people out there. Relate. It will be good for you. We miss you already. Daddy.


Luciana comments: Too cool, Renato! Enjoy it very much! Journey to open horizons. Very cool!

Reply: Thanks Luciana! Send a hug to the girls from Amaranto, I'm always following the campaign from here!


Marina comments: Wow, in love!!! The sound of the place is incredible!!! Grand piano available, not bad huh? You deserve!!! I'm loving following you around here! Bjo kiss and good work!!!

Duntalmo comments: My son, at the age of 14, I read Memoirs of a Doctor, by Alexandre Dumas, when I learned in detail about the events that preceded and followed the French Revolution, and  some stories, many tragic, had the River Seine as senary. The emotion is very great when I find out that you are there, on the banks of the Seine, where I've walked, holding the hands of Alexandre Dumas, in my teenage fantasies. I fell in love with France and I am happy and proud of you, my son, to be there in this wonderful country, the stage of democracy and of the most remarkable events that humanity has gone through, especially in the last world war. May God always be with you, now and always, and may you stay happily in your abode and return that way. Daddy.

Reply: Thanks dad, France is amazing indeed, very helpful and polite people. You just pass someone on the street and their first reaction is to say "bonjour". It's a country with a different mentality really.

Conceição comments: Beautiful place!! Enjoy it well

Reply: Obrigado Conceição! You also need to visit France, it's really worth it!

Marta comments:  My dear son, it's good to see that you are so well received and installed. The place is conducive for a great composer   like you to create your art. May God bless you my love. Kisses. I was able to watch the videos!


Augusto comments: Wonderful man!

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