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Frequently Asked Questions
1. What does Crowdfunding mean?
Crowdfundingis the name given to model definanceciamento Coletivowhere a group of people support the realization of a project. Cada pessoa investe um valor utilizando as cotas disponíveis e em troca recebe brindes e /or benefits according to the amount invested. In this sense, the financier plays a very important role, as he becomes a direct supporter of the project.
2. How does the supporter pay?
There isfour ways to support the "Sons de Marnay" project:
1. Through PagSeguro:clicking on the blue link above "quotas and rewards" and then on the payment link referring to the value of quota desired. In this case, you need to subscribe to Pagseguro to pay via bank slip or credit card, if you have not yet registered on this site.
2. Through the vakinha website:clickinghere you access the website vakinha.com.br and you can support with the desired quota amount or any other amount. You can pay with boleto or credit card without having to register on the vakinha website. For support via credit card, it is also possible to pay the quota amount in installments!
3. By deposit or bank transfer:clickinghere you access my bank details if you wish carry out support directly in my current account.
4. Buying products in my online store:so you also get rewards! Just choose the products and make a quick registration! My virtual store accepts payments on pagseguro or paid market. You will shop in a safe environment!
3. Does the project have goals?
Yea! My1st goalde BRL 4,000.00until the day30 September 2016 was achieved, thus guaranteeing the residency costs for the month ofOctober.On November 30th, the campaign accumulated 80% of financed expenses, however the same will remain open to collect the remaining 20%, that is,BRL 1950.00🇧🇷
4. Can I finance with more than one share?
Yea! You can make a payment for each share separately or the full amount. In this case, you need to inform me the name of the beneficiaries and the respective quotas to be financed. View financing detailshere🇧🇷
5. Can I suggest a quota with specific prizes?
Yea! Contact me with your suggestions and I'll prepare a personalized quote for you!
6. Do I need to pay the freight for the delivery of the rewards?
No! Shipping costs are already included in the campaign value, including purchases of products made in the virtual store.
7.I am abroad and would like to participate. Do you accept payment internationally?
Yes, you can send through Paypal. Contact us for more information: renato_goulart@hotmail.com
8. Can I pay my loan in installments?
Yes! For purchases with a credit card, you can pay in installments both on the Pagseguro website and on the Vakinha website.
9. After generating the ticket, is my reward already guaranteed?
No! The amount will only be credited after payment of the bill and the amount credited on the vakinha or pagseguro website.
10. How long will it take if I buy a product from the virtual store?
Delivery time depends on each product, just check its description.
11. After supporting the project in the 1st stage, new quotas were created. Will my rewards change?
No! You will receive rewards according to the quotas chosen in the 1st stage. If you are interested in any of the new gifts, you can enter the additional value and change your quota. In this case, contact me informing me of the change!